Looking for new venues

Would you like to have your favorite gym or stadium in the game? Just reply to this post with your suggestions (with links to pictures of the interior with the courts) and we will try to add some of them into the game, so that you can play in them as much as you want!

If you want to promote some of the suggestions, just comment on them. We try to make the most people happy when choosing a venue!

40 thoughts on “Looking for new venues

  1. Bonjour, je voulais savoir quand est-ce que vous mettrez le mode en ligne multijoueur? Je l’attend avec grande impatience!

    • Bonjour ! Nous travaillons présentement sur le moteur 3D du jeu pour ensuite implémenter le multijoueur. Nous n’avons pas encore d’échéancier pour ces étapes, mais nous ferons une annonce plus officielle pour informer les joueurs lorsque cette fonctionnalité sera disponible.

      Merci de votre intérêt !

  2. add new tournaments like korea open,all england open,inadia open through different tours u can add new venues and nation and welcoming area for player.

  3. Please try to add multiplayer thing… player vs player whoever is online… will be the best part to add..
    overall a very well made game I enjoyed playing till I competed all levels.. but after beating all levels find it boring to play again with same level of opponets.. plz add more tough opponent or player vs player mode..

    • maybe ya can try adding different type of player, like a player with powerful attacking, another one with tough defense, and another one with skillful shot,etc.

  4. i played it for the first time. i think it would be better if we could play multiplayer and if we could create our own charater.

    thank you

  5. Hey.. Can u pls do something 2 the badminton court. Besides training center, others are quite lag. Don’t get the feel of real badminton when the ball move so slow.

  6. hi. this has been the best badminton game so far, I hope you would add pvp mode, tournaments,change the characters direction thats suitable for breadth screen play,and it’ll be better when you make the characters grow up ^^, looks somewhat like lego-badminton. best regards. Thank you

  7. can you speed up the shuttle cock when its falling down and lower down the height of it when its close to the net? the spd of smash hits is perfect. ok and plz make the net looks real, I sometimes think I’m competin w the ” net mirror ” ^^

  8. please add tournment and own training place,and clothes room and some more.we need more train place and online battle room because we can fight many people

  9. Hello, smash hits…i joined this site 2/3 days back and i’m world no.1 today(atleast). so far i must tell you this is the best badminton online game i’ve ever played..but me and my friends are very eager to see the “guide”"locker” & the most imp “store”& MULTIPLAYER GAMING FEATURE. i like your list of upcoming features..i own a site called tradelane.webs.com and i’ll post about your site in my games section!

  10. i would like to suggest let the players play in doubles. not just single but also can play doubles. i know it’s difficult to play double so i suggest one more and that is we can play multiplayer with our friends. not just in our contry. so we can play together in doubles or we can versus(VS) with our friends in single. i hope u can create using my suggestions. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

  11. i have 2 suggestion and that is improve this game to play in doubles version. users can play doubles with their friends. it will be more fun if we can play double with our friends. another is the creator of this game should let us play multiplayers with our friends. for example, we can vs with our friends in single. so, we can play doubles OR we can vs one by one with our friends.
    - Multiplayes
    -Create a doubles version.
    Hope u will create using my suggestion. thank you very much.

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